#How to write c code in atom how to#
I recommend going through GitHub’s guide to learn how to set up a repository. If you want to use Git and Atom with the GitHub service to keep your code in the cloud, you will need to sign up at GitHub and set up a repository. Once Git for Windows is installed, there will be new programs Git GUI, Git Bash, and Git Mostly I did this because I’ve found using tools for Linux on the Windows CLI sometimes gets a bit hairy.

On Windows, there are multiple options for installing Git, but I chose to use a package that includes a GUI. The command for this from the terminal is simply “brew install git”. On my Mac, I used homebrew to install Git. Like Atom, Git has support for multiple platforms. We’ll come back to integrating Atom later after we’ve installed Git and configured GitHub. Installing Atom is as simple as downloading the package and running the installer. If you think you can do it, there’s probably a plugin for it. The Atom editor has a large community-driven ecosystem of plugins. I chose the Atom text editor for my coding because it was available easily for Mac, Linux, and Windows. But, these tools will work for most, if not all, languages. For the coding challenge, we will be using Python. As part of this, I chose to use Atom and learn how to use it with Git and GitHub to manage my code revisions. I decided with the advent of the Cisco Certified DevNet certifications that it was time to dust off my coding skills (Ada95, Perl and PHP) and learn a modern language. At the end of Cisco Live! this year I saw a tweet from that she was organizing a #100daysofcode learning group on Slack.